Core Java online Training
- Course Overview
- Target Audience
- Why choose us
- Trainer Profile
Core Java
- Programming language Types and Paradigms.
- Why Java?
- Flavors of Java.
- Java Designing Goal.
- Role of Java Programmer in Industry.
- Features of Java Lamguage.
- JVM The heart of JAVA.
- The Java Environment.
- Installation
- Java Program Development
- Java Source File Structure
- Compilation
- Executions
- Lexical Tokens, Identifiers
- Keywords, Literals, Comments
- Primitive Data types
- Operators
- Condition Statements
- Control Statements
- Arrays
- Command line Arguments
- OOPS Fundamentals.
- Object & Object reference.
- Constructors.
- Method Overloading,Recursion.
- Access Specifiers & Access Modifiers.
- Design of Accessor and Mutator Methods.
- Inheritance
- Inner Class & Anonymous Classes
- Abstract Class
- Interfaces
- Cloning Objects, shallow and deep cloning
- Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages
- Package as Access Protection
- Defining Packages
- CLASSPATH Setting for Packages
- Making JAR Files for Library Packages
- Import and Static Import
- Naming convention for Packages
- The idea behind Exception
- Exceptions & Errors
- Types of Exception
- Control Flow In Exceptions
- JVM reaction to Exceptions
- Use if try,catch,finally,throw,throws in Exception
- Handling
- In-built and User Defined Exceptions
- Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions
- Understanding Threads
- Needs of Multi-threaded Programming
- Thread Life-Cycle
- Creating Child Threads
- Multi Threads in a program
- Thread Priorities
- Synchronizing Threads
- Inner Communication of Threads
- Critical Factor in Thread DeadLock
- Streams and the new I/O Capabilities
- Understanding Streams
- The Classes for Input and Output
- The Standard Streams
- Working with File Object
- File I/O Basics
- Reading and Writing to Files
- Buffer and Buffer Management
- Read/Write Operations with File Channel
- Fromatted Input/Output
- Sequence Input
- Random Access
- Serializing Objects
- Character Streams
- Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java
- Components and Containers
- Basics of Components
- Using Containers
- Layout Managers
- AWT Components
- Event-Driven Programming in Java
- Adapter Classes as Helper Classes in Event Handling
- Anonymous Inner classes a Short cut to Event
- Handling
- Adding A Menu to Window
- Dialog Boxes
- Built-in Dialog Boxes – FileDialog
- Extending GUI Features Using Swing Components
- Applet & Application
- Applet Architecture
- Parameters to Applet
- Embedding Applets in Web page
- Applet Security Policies
- Utility Methods for Arrays
- String Tokenizer
- Observable and Observer Objects
- Date & Time
- Data structures
- Timer and Timer Task for Job Scheduling
- Using Scanner
- Regular Expression
- Collections of Objects
- Colletion Types
- List
- Set
- Sequence
- Map
- Understanding Hashing
- Use of ArrayList & Vector
- Hashtable & HashMap
Java SE 6.x/ 7.x Features
Advance Java
Networking using Java
- Networking Essentials
- Socket Programming
- Datagrams
- Multicast Sockets
Introduction to JDBC
- JDBC Drivers & Architecture
- DriverManager, Connection, Statement,
- Resultset
- CRUD Operation using JDBC
- Prepared Statement
- Calling SQL functions, Database stored
- proceduresCallableStatement
- ResultSetMetaData & DatabaseMetadata
- Connecting to non-conventional Databases
- Overview of Database Driver Architecture &
- JDBC Driver Types
- Batch Updates
- Scrollable Resultset
- Updated Resultset
- Working with Rowsets
- Handling Binary Data(Operation on Image files)
- Type mapping & SQL3 Data types
- ParameterMetaData
- Using Savepoint
- Connection Pooling
- Need of Server side Programming
- Comparison with CGI
- Architecture and challenges of Web
- Application
- Introduction to Servlets
- Servlet Life Cycle
- Developing and Deploying Servlets
- Generic Servlets
- ServletConfig, Servlet Context,
- ServletRequest, ServletResponse
- Database Operation Using Servlets
- Deploying Servlets in Apache Tomcat Server,
- Weblogic Server etc
- Exploring Deployment Descriptor(web.xml)
- HttpServlets
- Session Tracking & Management
- Transferring Request
- Accessing Web Context
- Passing INIT and CONTEXT Parameter
- Filtering Request and Response
- Filter Servlets
- Servlet Chaining
- Include & Forward Mechanism
- Internationalization using Servlets
- Event Listeners in Servlets
- ServletRequestWrapper
- ServletResponseWrapper
- Web Application Security
- Component Model Services
- Java Beans Properties
- Bean Persistence
- Introspection
- Basic JSP Architecture
- Life Cycle of JSP
- JSP Tags and Expressions
- Comparison with Servlets & JSP
- Scriptlets, Declarations, Expressions
- Directives
- Action Tags
- JSP to Servlets & Servlets to JSP
- Java Beans in JSP
- JSP Session
- JSP Scope
- Custom Tags in JSP
- Struts Architecture
- Struts classes –ActionForward, ActionForm,
- ActionServlet, Action classes
- Understanding struts-config.xml
- Struts flow with an example application
- Use of ActionForms
- Struts Tag Libraries
- DynaActionForms
- Builtin Actions in Struts
- Struts Tiles Framework
- Struts Validation Framework
- Internationalizing Struts Application
- Pagination and Sorting using Display tag
- Hibernate Integration in Struts
- Struts2
- Hibernate Overview and Benefits
- Configuring Hibernate
- Working with sessions and Persistent Objects
- Logging-log4j Overview and configuration for
- Hibernate
- CRUD Operations
- HQL- Hibernate Query Language
- Named Queries, Projection Queries, Aggregate
- Queries
- Query By Criteria
- Query BY Example
- Persistent, transient, and detached objects
- Hibernate first-and secong-level cache
- Object Relationship Overview
- Mapping Collections of Value Objects
- Entity Relationships: 1-N, N-1, N-N, 1-1
- Queries Across Relationships(Lazy and Eager)
- Native SQL queries
- Inheritance Mapping
- Collection Mapping
- Versioning
- Introduction to Spring Framework
- Spring Modules
- Spring Core Module
- Spring DAO Module
- Spring ORM Module
- Spring JEE Module
- Spring Web MVC Module
- Spring AOP
- Transaction Management in Spring
- Spring Multi Action Controller
- Spring Integration with Web Services
- Spring Integration with Java Mail
- Spring integration with Scheduler
- Spring Remoting
- AspectJ pointcut expression language
- RMI overview
- RMI Architecture
- Example demonstrating RMI
- Working with Registries
- Java Naming and Directory Interface
- RMI over IIOP
- Enterprise Bean overview
- Types of enterprise beans
- Advantages of enterprise beans
- The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans
- Working with Session Beans
- Stateful vs Stateless Session Beans
- Working with Entity Beans
- Transaction in EJB
- Relationships in EJB
- Message Driven Beans
- EJB 3
- Overvies of Message Oriented Middleware
- JMS Architecture
- JMS Messaging Domains PTP & Pub/Sub
- Messaging
- JMS API Programming & Examples
- Why XML?
- XML Schema
- XML Parsers
- Xquery,Xpath,Xslt
- Interoperability
- Service Oriented Architecture
- Apache AXIS
- Restful Webservices with Jercy
- Internet Mail Protocols
- Architecture of Java MailAPI
- Send and Receive Mail
- Working with Mail Attachments
- Reply, Forward and Delete Mails
- Oracle introduction Logical,Physical and Schema objects, Architecture overview
- DDL,DML,DCL,DQL and TCL commands
- PL/SQL procedures, functions,triggers and cursors etc
- HTML syntax, features
- HTML format tags, tables, froms, frames , iframe ,DIV ,Span tags etc.
- Javascript features syntax.
- Functions, Events
- Vaildations examples etc.
- Using of AJAX
- XMLHttpRequest
- AJAX Examples
- Jquery basic
- Events
- Animation effects
- Working with Ajax.
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